9 Skincare Mistakes That Age You
In this post we are revealing some of the biggest skin care mistakes that are sabotaging your clear, radiant skin. Let's begin!
The rules of great skin care:
With so much information out there it's vital that you keep up with the latest and greatest skin care routines in order to have the best possible skin. We've all heard that you should wear sunscreen, eat healthy, exercise, on and on but there are likely some habits that you didn't realize were aging your skin.
In this post we are revealing some of the biggest skin care mistakes that are sabotaging your clear, radiant skin. Let's begin!
Skin care mistake #1: Using the same old dirty face cloth
If you're using the same face cloth or sponge in the morning and at night on the same day you're definitely spreading more ugly bacteria on your face. Gross right? Make sure you stock up on basic white washcloths that can last you through an entire week's worth of washing (including day and night).
Skin care mistake #2: You're not really sure what toner is
For some people they're not really sure about the role toners play when it comes to cleansing. In the old days your esthetician may have recommended it to balance your pH levels but today you'll find all kinds of toners including some designed to remove makeup and extra debris, some to regulate your sebaceous glands, and so on. The newest generation of toners addresses almost every skin concern and are no longer limited to just treating acneic and oily skin.
This is why we're recommending that you start using Pure Fiji's Balancing Toner twice daily after cleansing. A refreshing toner with passionflower and witch hazel extracts to restore balance. Enriched with green coconut water to remineralize, nourish and energize cellular exchange, leaving skin refreshed and revitalized.
Skin care mistake #3: Blow drying your hair before applying your skin care products
That hot air might feel great after a shower but unfortunately it's sucking away all the moisture from your skin. Instead, finish your skin care routine first. Avoid high heat as best as you can and blow dry from the top of your head for better results.
Skin care mistake #4: Replacing makeup primer for moisturizer
Makeup primers are not considered a moisturizer. Yes, we get it. You're busy and think hey why not get a product that can do two things. Unfortunately makeup formulations are not designed to be absorbed by the skin, but to sit on the surface of the skin. If you skip your moisturizer your makeup will look uneven, you may even notice your fine lines to be more prominent and you might clog your pores way deeper into the skin. Yikes! By missing out on your moisturizer, you're probably causing yourself a whole host of hassles in the future.
Skin care mistake #5: Using the wrong products for your skin type and skin condition
If you just recently turned 20 it's vital that you know what your skin type and skin condition are. There's a huge difference between the two. If you choose the wrong products not only are you wasting your money but you can negatively affect your skin in the long run. Make it a mission this year to find out your skin type and skin condition and invest in natural products designed like Pure Fiji.
Skin care mistake #6: Beauty starts with what you eat and drink
You can have the most expensive skincare products but you can't expect your products to do all the heavy lifting. What you put into your body is bound to create some results on your skin. For example, if your diet includes a lot of sugary drinks and treats your skin will suffer. Excess sugar leads to some of the most frustrating skin issues, such as wrinkles, brown spots, yellowing skin and sagging.
RELATED: 18 Foods to Beautify You: Skincare Nutrition Tips
Skin care mistake #7: Using too much moisturizer
Adding too much moisturizer doesn't mean your skin is getting the moisture it needs. If you're using the wrong kind of moisturizer the results will be; clogged pores, breakouts, and dull skin. You see the skin can only absorb so much so the excess moisturizing results in wasted money. Make sure you are using the right moisturizer for your skin type and skin condition and more importantly for the right season.
RELATED: Spring Skin Care Routine: 7 Easy Steps for Gorgeous Looking Skin
Skin care mistake #8: Washing three or more times a day
Yes, it's vital that you give your skin a good cleanse but overdoing it will interfere with your skin's natural barrier by removing its protective oils and can lead to tight, itchy skin. Stick to a morning and evening routine, twice a day with Pure Fiji's Purifying Cleanser. A gentle cleanser derived from sugar cane extracts. This unique cleanser is boosted with papaya extracts to brighten skin tone while passionflower and drift nut extracts restore skin to a healthy balance.
Skin care mistake #9: Changing products too soon
It's always tempting to try the latest and greatest skincare products in the hopes that you'll get that quick fix you've been after. We need to be patient when trying a new skincare product. It typically takes 28 days for your skin to do its natural process. That's just how nature works.
A consistent skin care routine is one of the big keys to anti-aging. Be patient when trying new products. Don't just ditch them after seven days because you're fine lines aren't going away fast enough. Besides do you really want to waste your money? The next time you're thinking about switching skincare products why not give Pure Fiji a try. Pure Fiji's natural skincare products represent the lifestyle in the Pacific. Pristine environment, a bounty of fresh and natural ingredients, and traditions that have been in place for centuries - all utilized in a healthy way of living integrated in our culture. We would feel it impossible to maintain the enthusiasm we have for our product range, were we not convinced and assured that our products are of good quality.... but more than that - something special. Our unique products bring a timeless secret of well- being and health to our customers.